
5 September 2011

It's first..

Huh~ It's a little difficult writing in English. I haven't written for so long. My hand-writing is going so bad :( My grammar isn't arranging well. DUMB!! Help! Help!'s my first day as a college student. a freshman exactly. Literally, I just get KWN in Monday at 7-8.40 . hohoo..
Feel so awkward. I go to class without uniform. Yeah, it's a damn cool rite?

When I was in Senior High School, the only one I want to do is being student college. They're look so awesome without their own fashion style. They're all confident with their identity and cherish each other.

Kuliah memang beda dari SMA. Kita disini dituntut buat mandiri. Bisa ngurus segala macemnya sendiri. Ayah, ibu' nggak pernah ngantar pindah ke ITS. Dan aku juga nggak pernah minta dianter. Kalau berangkat sendiri kan kesannya lebih tough. hehheee...

Oke..byebye bloggie. It's too late, time to close my eyes :D
Nite, nicedream

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