
30 Desember 2011

Today is (not) The Last

Today is the last day in 2011. There's so many things happened in 2011. I still remember in the middle January he has put me in these unpredictable moments. Thanks so much. Do you still remember when we spent our weekend in Batu then rain was coming? It was one of our sweetest moment, wasn't it? You're right. I am not a kid anymore. I'm not a seven-year-old child again. But in your side I'm likely a seven-year-old who always whines asking to buy lollipop or something like that. I meet a lot of new college friends in 2011. I am really content meet awesome friends like them, my new family ieits2011 :) Because of you I know how to share with others, I know how to understand each other. Thanks for the special experiences. And big thanks to Him and my family, ayah ibu'. Thanks for Your precious love Allah, You love me more than anyone else in this world, thanks for this every breath, for make me alive until now. Ayah Ibu' who always support me. You're the most deserving in my life. I love you with a thousand heart :*
Today is the last day in 2011 but not the last of my love life with my families, you, and my friends.

26 Desember 2011


SMS dari Nabila:
Selamat hari Ibu, ibu'ku sayang..
Terimakasih ibu'..
Ibu yang selalu memelukku erat dan penuh kasih sayang.
Ibu yang berjuang mati-matian untuk melahirkan dan membesarkan aku dan adek.
Ibu yang berusaha menghemat sekuat tenaga, rela tidak membeli baju dan HP baru demi kuliahku dan sekolah adek.
Ibu yang 24 jam setia di samping ayah saat ayah sakit.
Ibu yang rela pontang-panting demi operasi ayah.
Maaf ibu',aku belum bisa menjadi putri yang baik,yang bisa membanggakan ibu' dan ayah.
Cuma bisa ngrepotin ibu' terus.
Selamat hari ibu..
Peluk dan cium dari Nabila di Surabaya

SMS balasan dari Ibu':
Semoga menjadi anak yang sholihah dunia akhirat, itulah yang membahagiakan ayah ibu.
Mbak dan adek patuh sama ayah ibu. Ibadahnya bagus, jalannya lurus di jalan Allah.
Ayah dan ibu sangat bahagia.
Semoga Allah mengabulkan do'a kita sayang..
Alhamdulillah ayah ibu sehat, mbak adek sehat, ibu dan ayah bisa mendampingin memelukmu untuk melangkah menuju masa depan dengan penuh semangat untuk menjadi wanita sholihah yang mandiri, percaya diri membawa kemanfaatan dunia akhirat. Aamiin.
Semoga Allah selalu meridhoimu .
Terimakasih sayangku, kasih ibu sepanjang waktu, sepanjang masa untuk anak-anaknya terkasih. Sun sayang peluk erat untuk melangkah menuju kesuksesan sayang.

SMS ini aku kirimkan kepada ibu saat hari ibu kemaren, tepat sehari setelah ibu bertambah usianya :)
Sempat nangis juga pas baca SMS dari ibu'. Merasa banyak salah ke ibu'. Banyak mengecewakan ibu'. Banyak dosa..
Maaf ibu', Nabila belum bisa memberikan yang terbaik..

Ibu :)

Gambar 1. Lebaran taun 2008. pas daku masih langsing aww awww :3
Gambar 2. Wisuda MAN 3 Malang Juni 2011.badan udah melar ._.
Gambar 3. Umur 1 tahun 10 bulan.pas adek baru lahir.di foto itu aku dipangku sama tante (baju oranye)

Then I Let You Go

It sounds childish when I said, "Don't go! I wont' let you go". But please stay here for a moment.
Let me whisper you 'I love you now and then. I love how the way you treat me. I love your soap fragrant. I love how the way you look at me. I love you'.
See.. I don't care who you are, where you're from. I just love you. Then is it wrong if I said I won't let you go?
But now I know we have our dreams that we've to through, we've to reach. When you leave me someday, I promise to myself I'll keep this heart. I'll be standing here still. I'll be waiting for you here inside my heart.
Thanks for letting me as the one who love you more. Just believe in me nothing's gonna change my love for you.One thing you can be sure of I'll never ask for more than your love. The world may change my whole life through but I'll be always love you. I'll make you see all the things that your heart needs to know.
Someday we'll be the one. I hope..
Go on with your dreams. Reach them..

6 Desember 2011

The Gift of A Friend

Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself
Cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone
It's easy to feel like you don't need help
But it's harder to walk on your own

You'll change inside
When you realize

The world comes to life
And everything's bright
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are, when you open your heart
And believe in
The Gift of a Friend

The Gift of a Friend...

Someone who knows when you're lost,
And you're scared
There through the highs and the lows
Someone to count on, someone who cares
Beside you wherever you go

You'll change inside
When you realize

The world comes to life
And everything's bright
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are, when you open your heart
And believe in
The Gift of a Friend...

And when your hope crashes down
Shattering to the ground
You, you feel all alone
When you don't know which way to go
And there's no signs leading you home
You're not alone

The world comes to life
And everything bright
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are, when you open your heart!
And believe in
When you believe in!
When you believe in...
The Gift of a friend..

*The Gift of A Friend Original by Demi Lovato in the movie 'Tinkerbell'*

5 Desember 2011


freshman year. and i'm gonna be here for the next four years in this town. dan di tahun pertama aku udah ngerasain jadi mahasiswa yang emang tugas lebih banyak daripada SMA, yang frekuensi kumpul angkatan seminggu bisa lebih dari 3 kali, yang rasanya opname di RS setelah sekian lama ga pernah opname, dan rasanya sakit yang terdengar aneh 'dyspepsia' .
aku dilema. aku bukan tipe orang jenius. bukan tipe orang yang bisa berfikir cerdas dan cepat. aku juga bukan tipe orang yang bisa beradaptasi dengan cepat. tapi aku memang nggak mau terlihat lemah walaupun di satu sisi aku sebenarnya sedang rapuh.
seperti saat ini. di satu sisi aku harus menjalani fase ini dengan baik. fase yang mereka namakan SISTEM. tapi di satu sisi tubuhku memang sedang tidak ada kompromi. sungguh, aku menikmati sistem. menikmati kebersamaan dan rasa kekeluargaan teman-teman satu angkatan. bahkan dalam keadaan sakit pun aku tetap ikut menjadi bagian dari salah satu kegiatan besar bagi mahasiswa baru FTI.
sekarang aku dilema. aku bingung mana prioritas utamaku. padahal sudah jelas bahwa sehat tentu saja yang paling utama. tapi saat ini tidak hanya sehat yang menjadi prioritas paling pertama. entahlah, mungkin hanya aku yang terlalu berlebihan. melebih-lebihkan sakitku yang padahal menurut mereka biasa saja. bukan termasuk kritis.